All our event investors
The owner of the companies "The Owners" and "Social Consulting "Paragraph", Business Development Director at European Profiles. Expert of the World Banked institutionalization project. President of JCI Ukraine 2016.
Founder & CEO of Beyond and Veritas Ventures
An experienced venture capital investor and a deputy CEO of BGlobal Ventures
An angel investor from Kazakhstan aiming to discover projects in energy sectors
The Vice President of John Galt, the venture capital arm of the ololo group of companies
EBRD’s Principal Economist and Inclusive Policy Reform Lead in Turkiye
Entrepreneur, startup mentor, and public speaker
Executive Director and Head of GTM at August Hill, Serbia
International business women network of Lithuania
CEO investment office Founders League, Ukraine
Arya Women, Turkiye
Investment Director at Yıldız Holding & Yıldız Ventures & Gözde Tech Ventures, Turkiye
Founder and Managing Partner at BDO Georgia
Business consultant, strategist, and Chief Executive Officer of Investitii