

Leah Edwards is an Investment Director with Lighter Capital, funding recurring-revenue companies with non-dilutive funding. Previously she was a Partner with Pegasus Technology Ventures, investing in collaboration with corporate limited partners. Leah is also an active angel investor, particularly focused on social ventures and founders from underrepresented groups.

Leah started her career in management consulting then launched new products for Intuit, Oracle and Taligent, a joint-venture of Apple and IBM. She then joined the founding team of an enterprise SaaS company called Post Communications, which was acquired by Netcentives within two years for $380 million. After advising and serving in interim leadership roles for other startups that she helped sell to major companies including the US Green Business Council and SolarCity, she co-founded another marketing technology company, Overstat, which was purchased by Tealeaf Technology (now IBM).

In addition to investing, Leah supports startups by working with accelerator programs, particularly USMAC and its Prospera program, which aims to increase the number of female-founded startups globally.

Leah serves on the Boards of Cumplo.com, an SMB lending platform, and NameCoach, an enterprise SaaS company that serves both Higher Education and Enterprise markets. Leah is also an executive coach and a Lecturer for UC Berkeley’s and Stanford’s Engineering Departments teaching leadership and innovation skills. Leah’s involvement in Higher Education began in 2012 when she became the Director of the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies in the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

Leah holds a B.S. in Business Administration from the University of California, Berkeley and an MBA and Certificate of Public Management from the Stanford Graduate School of Business.

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