
G Allen

With over 30 years of experience supporting business owners at all stages of growth, Nancy G Allen an international speaker, author, coach, consultant, and expert at starting, growing, and supporting women-owned businesses. This has contributed to strengthening entire economies and building generational wealth, with women as the the catalyst.

Her personal motto is Connections, Creativity and Courage in all endeavors and to this end, she share insight and actionable advice to help women-owned businesses succeed. Nancy specializes in fostering #NegotiationSkills, supporting #FemaleFounders, advocating for #WomenOwned businesses, helping women #GrowYourBusiness, and pushing for gender equality in access to federal and corporate contracts for #WomeninBusiness.

~ Listed as one of South Florida’s 100 most accomplished Caribbean Americans by the International Career and Business Alliance (ICABA)

~ Recipient of the World Women Leadership Achievement Award from the World Women Leadership Congress

~ Recipient of the Association Marketing Award from Women in ECommerce (WECAI)

~ Named Honorary Ambassador of Cascais, Portugal by the Ambassador’s Club of the Industry Sector of Cascais and the Estoril Coast

~ Certified as a Master Practitioner Energy Leadership Index

~ Named SBA South Florida Women in Business Champion of the Year, 2011-2012

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